The muscles of the pelvic floor must be able to contract to preserve continence and to relax in order to facilitate urination, bowel movements, and sexual intercourse in women. Pelvic floor dysfunction, more precisely, muscles that are too rigid or hypertonic muscles, may be associated with people with pelvic pain.Pelvic discomfort or pressure and frequency of the bladder and bowels can also be caused by muscles with too much stress. On the other hand, they can lead to stress incontinence and organ prolapse when they are low-toned. There are also times where a mixture of those who are too nervous and those who are too relaxed maybe the muscles.
In addressing your pelvic floor problems, your physiotherapist will perform an assessment and decide which type of therapy will suit you best. The assessment will include an evaluation of both the external and internal pelvic floor muscles. The therapist may also ask you to stand, walk, and sit to check whether your posture or joints may have underlying issues that are affecting your pelvic floor muscles.
According to the assessment, therapist will design hands-on physiotherapy and pelvic floor therapy technique with or without using equipment.